Latas de cerveja (319)

by Fernando Darini

Latas de cerveja (319)

by Fernando Darini

From: Brazil

Pedigree Amber Ale

  • Category: Cans

  • Subcategory: Beer

  • Brand: Marston`s

  • Country for: United Kingdom

  • Made in: United Kingdom

  • Year: 2019

  • Size: 500ml

  • Description: Introducing Pedigree, or "P" as it was first known. Strange that, looking back. Anyway, it has a fascinating aroma, with a palate of biscuity malt, spicy hops and light fruitiness. It was renamed in a staff competition back in George Peard's day. He was our Head Brewer at the time - that's him on the front. Cheers George.

  • Manufactorer: Marston’s Brewery

Latas de cerveja item

  • Qty:1

  • Item not available for trade

  • Added on: 07/15/2022

Other items from brand Marston`s

  • 61 Deep


    United Kingdom



    by: Fernando Darini

    on: 09/19/2024